Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

295 - Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science

26311 - Theory and history of physical activity and sport

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26311 - Theory and history of physical activity and sport
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
295 - Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science
Subject Type:
Basic Education

1.1. Introduction

Brief presentation of the subject

This course is designed for the student knows the development of sport in society, based on the manifestations of physical activity in primitive societies and the Greek Olympics to the birth and consolidation of contemporary sport in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Emphasis is placed on physical practices and physical education in some civilizations and Physical Education in Europe from the eighteenth century and in the evolution of physical education and sport in Spain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and we try to play the interplay of traditional sport and physical education in Aragon in the same centuries.

We completed the program with the study of the concept of sport and diversity of areas of sport.

1.2. Recommendations to take this course

To take this course is intended for students to learn and interpret the leisure, physical and sporting events in different cultures throughout history; and more particularly, to study the evolution of the game, physical education and sport in Spain, and to assess the influence of the ideas of the great currents of thought in current conceptions of physical activity and sport.

the history of the practice of traditional games, physical activity and sport in Aragon, as well as the evolution of the meaning of sport and definitions and concepts associated with it in today's society and the characteristics of the areas will also be addressed in the that the sport and its influence on human development occurs.

It is intended that students know to relate the incidence and relationship between sport and education, performance, leisure time and health, and the evolution of Physical Education in recent centuries.

It is recalled that in this course correction in the format and wording of all documents written tests and having its impact on the rating is required.

It is important to work in the classroom, in the theoretical and practical classes, visits to documentation centers, and outside it, in reading texts, research for the performance of work and personal contributions to dynamic group.

It is recommended that the student complements the study of this subject with literature accessible through this link:

1.4. Activities and key dates

Institute Altoragoneses Studies (sources hemeroteca), Provincial Archives (archival sources), Provincial Museum (historical and heritage sources), Pedagogic Museum: - In the first quarter a series of visits to places where work practices will be conducted in sources shall be made (sources of the history of education), Group Aging IBERCAJA (oral sources), Computer Room (sources of bibliographic network and the library of the Faculty), classroom (bibliographic sources: magazines and articles). In the first quarter, and some group work will be exhibited

- In the second quarter the rest of the group exhibitions of works will be performed. In addition debates they will be established in seminar format on some topics of the subject.

- Theoretical examinations will be held in the months of February and May.
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2.1. Learning goals

The student, for passing this subject, should demonstrate the following results ...

Analyzes the influence of the ideas of the great currents of thought in current conceptions of physical activity and sport.

It analyzes the characteristics of the areas in which sport and its influence on human development occurs, and relates the incidence and relationship between sport and education, performance, entertainment and leisure.

Apply techniques study to determine the development of sport and physical activity throughout history.

Analyzes cases on the causes and consequences of the development of sport and physical activity throughout history

Identifies and interprets in real situations recreational, physical and sporting events in different cultures throughout history; and more particularly the evolution of the game, physical education and sport in Spain.

3.1. Aims of the course

The subject and its expected results meet the following approaches and objectives:

The course aims students to have a global idea which has meant Physical Education and Sport in the past. Knowing the historical basis on which Physical Education and its evolution is based through the centuries understand the importance of this area in the educational system that develops skills and the different currents that have sustained.

On the other hand the study the evolution of the game and physical activity in different
civilizations, especially in Europe, will identify the factors influencing
in the birth of the sport in England in the early nineteenth and expansion worldwide. It will also help to interpret the key factors that have allowed the sport to become a social phenomenon of the twentieth century.

Knowledge through practical cases of the relationship between the game, sport and physical education will help the student to flee the dispersion with which these phenomena are analyzed.

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The student must demonstrate that it has achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities


Continuous assessment only to students who attend at least 85% of all school hours at the end of each quarter (including theoretical and practical) will apply.

The final grade is obtained by adding 3 sections:


Performance of work (individual or group) from one topic to be agreed with the teacher, who may be exposed in class. It is required to make at least an initial tutoring with the teacher. It may set an individual script for each job. The teacher will present a number of issues to class, although other issues not covered can be agreed between both parties.
In addition, to deliver will be compulsorily send an individual mail to the teacher that reflects the hours spent in each phase, the operation of the group in its development and other aspects. This exhibition mail and counted in qualifying work.
The deadline for submission of papers and the mail will be prior to the presentation in class or failing that test day before the second set.

The dedication in work hours will be quantified by the teacher and may be lowered depending on the practices of the portfolio presented, ranging from approximately 40 hours for anyone who does not have the portfolio and 10 hours who presented it all.

The rating will work 30% of the final grade.


During the theoretical and practical classes, students may be submitted in digital format to be established at the beginning of class (moodle or similar) a folder that collects the various practical exercises and class work. Depending on the quality and number of submitted papers will be evaluated and graded each student.

The rating of the portfolio will mean up to 30% of the final grade.


Midterms contain at least the development of a theme (choice of 2) and answer a battery of short questions.
The development of the topics will be the responsibility of the student based on the documents and classes presented by the teacher, and his search for other library materials or internet. guidelines for proper preparation will be provided.

The rating of each part will be 20%. It must pass both partial separately.



For a note must separately approve the work of the subject, the portfolio and each partial. If anything is missing some qualification, the note is not presented.

Midterms will be one per semester (usually February and May).



The overall assessment, students who wish to climb note of the ongoing evaluation and who do not meet the attendance requirement will apply. Contain these two sections:



It will consist of the development in writing of 2 items on the agenda and answer a battery of short questions.

The rating of the theoretical exam is 50% of the final grade.



The work will consist in the delivery of an original work to be agreed with the teacher, on issues related to the program of the subject. A face will be mandatory tutoring with the teacher before the start of work. In addition, the work may be evaluated through an interview or end with the student tutoring. (May be individual or group).
The hard work will be approximately 40 hours, while people who deliver work of the portfolio may submit a job with a dedication proportionately less hours. In that case portfolio documents also form part of the note of his work.

The rating of the work is 50% of the final grade.



It is essential to pass both sections separately to mediate the note.

The allocation of Distinction require at least one note than 9 points (out of 10 maximum), it will be awarded to the best grades in June and according to regulations of the University of Zaragoza. In case of tie will be settled by the best score of the theoretical exam.



5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

It is intended that students acquire a set of skills that help them in reading, interpretation, discussion and research of the topics. To do this they will have lectures (expository, text comments and discussion and debate), practical (with visits to documentation centers), seminars and tutoring and group staff.

It is incorporated as a fundamental method cooperative work through ICT and the use of the inverted class (flipped classroom) as a fundamental element of classwork.

5.2. Learning tasks

Learning activities will fudamentalmente the following:

In theoretical classes:

Previous study of topics methodologies for "Flipped clasroom" (texts, presentations, videos, ...)

Lectures topics with questions in class.


In practical classes and seminars:

visits to places of historical study evidence gathering.

Implementation of activities organized by students or teacher (cromagnonas Olympics, gymnastic methods, ..)

Class exhibitions of works by students.

Debates on program content.

5.3. Syllabus


Topic 1. Basic concepts of Physical Activity, sports theory and Sport history.

Motor skills, Game, Sport, Physical Activity, Fitness, Physical Education, Exercise, Health.

Anthropology, history, epistemology.


Topic 2. Physical Activity and sport Science

Physical Activity Science.

Physical Activity History and their study

Motor Praxeology.



Topic 3. The origin of the sport.

Theories about the origin of the sport.

Traditional games and sports as heritage.

Etymological and semantic closeness to the term “sport".

Sport today concept.

Sports classifications


Topic 4. Physical activity in prehistory.

Physical activity in primitive societies.

Sport in the pre-Hellenic cultures of the Mediterranean.

Physical activity in ancient cultures around the world.


Topic 5. Sport in Greece.

Sport in classical Greece

The treatment of the games in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Consideration on body education in Platon and Aristoteles


Topic 6. Ancient Olympic Games.

The origin of the Games.

Features and celebration.

Olympic disciplines and curiosities.

Other games and decline


Topic 7. Physical activity in Rome.

Recreational activities in Rome.

The circus, the amphitheater and the baths.

Christianity contribution.


Topic 8: The games in pre-Columbian America.

The civilizations of pre-Columbian America and their PA.

Ball games importance

Education body in the most important cultures.




Topic 9. PA in the Middle Ages. (S. V- XV)

The games in the Middle Ages.

Equestrian tournaments, warrior arts and pastimes of feudalism.


Topic 10. PA in the Modern Age (S. XV - XVIII)

Sport in the Renaissance. Spanish Renaissance: Luis Vives. Physical activity and medicine. Amusements of the popular classes.




Topic 11. PA in 18th century and 19th century

The eighteenth and early nineteenth century: sports forefather.

The first texts of Physical Education. The physical formation of the body in Rousseau, Bassedow, Kant, Guts Muths, Pestalozzi, Ling and Jovellanos.


Topic 12. Modern Sport Appearance.

The resurgence of contemporary sport in England.

Bourgeoisie in the development of sport.

The expansion in Europe and North America.

Topic 13. Physical Education and Modern gymnastics.

Physical Education in the nineteenth century.

Gymnastic conception of Amoros

The introduction of Physical Education in the education system.

Gymnastic movements.


Topic 14. The modern Olympic Games.Origin: Pierre de Coubertin.

History and highlights.

Characteristics, types and forms.

Relevant Olympians.


Topic 15. The appearance of sport in Spain and Aragon.

The thought of Ramon y Cajal.

Humanism and sport: José María Cagigal.

The appearance and consolidation of sport in Spain.

The entrance of sport in Aragon. Historical evolution.


Topic 16. Physical Education History in Spain.

Physical Education in the education system (1900-1970)

Physical Education in the education system (1970- 2008)

Physical Education today.




Topic 17. The current dimension of sport in our society.

PA today.

The educational dimension of sport.

Sports and lifestyle: health and use of leisure time.

Sport focused on high performance and mass spectacle.

Sports consumption.


Topic 18. The current Physical Education

Physical Education as part of the educational sciences.


Current trends of Physical Education.

The role of PE teacher.

PE contents in primary and secondary.  


Visits and practices.


During the first period, the students will practice at least one of these activities:

- 1) Provincial Museum. Historical knowledge of the environment.

- 2) Faculty Library. Bibliographical research.

- 3) Newspaper library of I.E.  Altoaragoneses. Research Press.

- 4) Provincial Archives. Documentary research.

- 5) Red Cross. Practice of oral tradition and fieldwork with the elderly.

- 6) Pedagogic Museum. Evolution of the Spanish education system in the twentieth century.

- 7) Seminar Faculty. Analysis of magazines on current Physical Education and sport.


In the second period, the activities will be used to preparation and presentation of class works.

5.4. Course planning and calendar


 Establecido en el calendario oficial:

Primer semestre: 19-9 al 13-1

Segundo semestre: 8-2 al 30-5

Los horarios de la asignatura serán los especificados en la web de la Facultad:

Al inicio del curso, se especificará el calendario concreto de clases asociados a los temas del programa en la web de la asignatura:

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources



MONROY ANTON, J.A y SAENZ RODRIGUEZ G. Historia del deporte: de la prehistoria al renacimiento. Wanceulen Editorial Deportiva. Sevilla. 2007.


RODRÍGUEZ LÓPEZ, J. Historia del Deporte. INDE. Barcelona. 2003



  • Adell Castán, José Antonio. El fenómeno deportivo en Aragón : del juego tradicional al deporte moderno / José Antonio Adell Castán, Celedonio García Rodríguez . Zaragoza : Departamento de Cultura y Educación, D.L. 1999
  • Materiales de sociología del deporte / Jean-Marie Brohm ... [et al.] ; edición e introducción de José Ignacio Barbero . Madrid : La Piqueta, D.L. 1993
  • Barreau, Jean-Jacques. Epistemología y antropología del deporte / Jean-Jacques Barreau y Jean-Jacques Morne ; versión española de Enrique Soto Rodríguez . 1a. ed. Madrid : Alianza Editorial, 1991
  • Historia de la educación física y el deporte a través de los textos / Miguel A. Betancor León, Conrado Vilanou Torrano [compiladores] . 1a. ed. Barcelona : PPU, 1995
  • La iniciación deportiva y el deporte escolar / dirigido por Domingo Blázquez Sánchez ; autores colaboradores, Fernando Amador Ramírez...[et al.] . 4ªÌ? ed. Barcelona : INDE Publicaciones, 1999.
  • Cagigal, José Maria . Obras selectas. Vol. I, Hombres y deporte. Deporte, pedagogía y humanismo / José María Cagigal ; [coordinación de las obras, Jesús Mora Vicente] . [S.l.] : Comité Olímpico Español : Ente de promoción deportiva ?José Maria Cagigal? : Asociación española de Deportes para Todos, D.L. 1996
  • Cagigal, José Maria . Obras selectas. Vol. II, Deporte, pulso de nuestro tiempo. El deporte en la sociedad actual. Cultura intelectual y cultura física / José María Cagigal ; [coordinación de las obras, Jesús Mora Vicente] . [S.l.] : Comité Olímpico Español : Ente de promoción deportiva ?José Maria Cagigal? : Asociación española de Deportes para Todos, D.L. 1996
  • Cagigal, José Maria. Obras selectas. Vol. III, Deporte, espectáculo y acción. La cultura física. ¡Oh deporte! anatomia de un gigante. Deporte y agresión / José María Cagigal ; [coordinación de las obras, Jesús Mora Vicente] . [S.l.] : Comité Olímpico Español : Ente de promoción deportiva ?José Maria Cagigal? : Asociación española de Deportes para Todos, D.L. 1996
  • Cecchini Estrada, José Antonio. Historia de la educación física Oviedo, Ed. Ferrería, 1993
  • Devís Devís, José. Educación física, deporte y curriculum : investigación y desarrollo curricular / José Devís Devís . Madrid : Visor, D.L. 1996
  • Diccionario Paidotribo de la actividad física y el deporte / [director Francisco Lagardera Otero] . 1a. ed. Barcelona : Paidotribo, cop. 2008
  • Diem, Carl. Historia de los deportes Barcelona, Luis de Caralt, 1996.
  • During, B. Des jeux aux Sports. París, Ed. Vigot, 1990.
  • García Ferrando, Manuel. Aspectos sociales del deporte : una reflexión sociológica / Manuel García Ferrando . Madrid : Alianza : Consejo Superior de Deportes, D.L. 1990
  • García Ferrando, Manuel. Tiempo libre y actividades deportivas de la juventud en España / [Manuel García Ferrando] . [1a ed.] Madrid : Instituto de la Juventud, 1993
  • González Alcantud, José Antonio. Tractatus ludorum : una antropológica del juego / José Antonio González Alcantud . Barcelona : Anthropos, 1993
  • Gutiérrez Sanmartín, Melchor. Valores sociales y deporte : la actividad física y el deporte como transmisores de valores sociales y personales / Melchor Gutiérrez Sanmartín . Madrid : Gymnos, D.L. 1995
  • Mandell, Richard D.. Historia cultural del deporte / Richard D. Mandell Barcelona : Bellaterra, D.L. 1986
  • Mason, Tony. El deporte en Gran Bretaña / Tony Mason ; traducción y nota preliminar a cargo de Jesús M. Galiana Moreno ; prólogo de Manuel Alonso Olea . [1a. ed.] Madrid : Cívitas, 1994
  • Ulman, J.. De la Gymnastique aux Sports Modernes. París, 1989. París, 1989.
  • Rodríguez López, Juan. Historia del deporte / Juan Rodríguez López . 3a. ed. Barcelona : INDE, 2008
  • Plana Galindo, Carlos. El asentamiento de la educación física en el sistema educativo español (1883-1900) : aproximación a sus inicios en la Comunidad educativa aragonesa / Carlos Plana Galindo . [Zaragoza] : Departamento de Educación, Cultura y Deporte , D.L. 2004
  • Pociello, C.. Sport et societé. París, Vigot, 1981. París, Vigot, 1981.
  • Sánchez Bañuelos, Fernando. La actividad física orientada hacia la salud / Fernando Sánchez Bañuelos . Madrid : Biblioteca Nueva, D.L. 1996
  • Blanchard, Kendall. Antropología de deporte / Kendall Blanchard, Alice Taylor Cheska ; introducción de Edward Norbeck Barcelona : Bellaterra, 1986.